Halloween is coming, the pumpkins are purchased, the decorations are out and the kids are getting ready for the big night. In general, Marketing is a profession that likes to keep things positive. But, for this season I wanted to outline a scary problem. Many marketers realize that we are losing control of our message. Here are 4 Marketing statistics about online reviews that may scare you!
Note, that all of these statistics come from trusted sources. There were a lot of big claims while researching this article, but in the end, the original source was not discoverable. While these are still scary, they are also factual.
Businesses risk losing as many as 22% of customers when just one negative article is found by users considering buying their product. – MOZ.com
The average upset customer tells nine people – INC.com
60% of job seekers would not apply to a company with a one-star rating (on a five-point scale). – Forbes.com
88% Of Consumers Say They Trust Online Reviews As Much As Personal Recommendations. – searchengineland.com
There are a lot of ways to help with negative reviews. Let me know if you want to chat about it sometime!